Hey nice girls!
After talking to several people at BW who have adopted a soldier I was inspired to adopt one of my own. A few days ago I visited www.adoptaussoldier.org and applied to be apart of the non-profit organization. I applied on Sunday evening and I was so excited I was constanly checking my email to see if I received the information on my adopted soldier. Finally yesterday I received the email with my soldiers information and I immediately emailed John to introduce myself.
Last night in the middle of the night I received an email back from John. I was so excited to hear from him. He introduced himself to me and expressed how excited he was to be adopted. Let me tell you I couldn’t have felt better about putting a smile on this man’s face. I am looking forward to getting to know him better while he is serving our country and when he returns home.
If you are reading this blog I challenge you to take five minutes out of your day and apply to adopt a soldier. This is a great way to give back and be involved with something bigger than yourself. You have the opportunity to email your soldier and also send them care packages. Maybe even some day you can meet them and their families if you become close enough with them. I can’t explain how I felt when I received my first email back from John. I know the US soldiers would be excited, and thrilled to be adopted by someone like you.
If you decide to adopt a soldier of your own write to me in the comments below. I have high hopes you will get involved and adopt a soldier. I hope you are having a great Wednesday! Be fierce, be fabulous and remember nice girls always finish first.