The Link to watch the pageant!! :)

Hey Nice Girls!

I received a request to post the link to the pageant so you all can watch too.

Either go to or and you will be able to watch formal wear which is on this SATURDAY at 11:00am Ohio time (8:00am California time) and the final show is on this SUNDAY at 1:30pm Ohio time (10:30am California time).

I appreciate all of your support and well wishes.  I hope you are able to watch!!

I'm off to enjoy the California sun!  Be fierce, Be Fabulous, Be you, and remember, nice girls always finish first!


Mall Crawl

Hey! Hi! Hola! What’s up? How do you do? Haha! Hey Nice Girls-Happy Thursday!

Have you ever heard of a bar crawl? It’s when you go from bar to bar to bar all in one evening. A bar crawl does not sound like fun to me but how about a MALL CRAWL??!!

My mom came up with the fabulous idea of going to 5 malls all in one day. Why? Well, why not?! We decided on 5 because that’s the number of malls between my dorm and my grandma’s house. We’re going to start out in the north and then head south toward my grandma’s. We’ll meet up with my grandma, aunt and cousins somewhere along the way as we get closer to their house. Our mall crawl will span three states, approximately 175 miles and who knows how many dollars.

I do have one question for my mom. Do 5 malls mean 5 pairs of new shoes? Is that how it works, Mom?

We haven’t scheduled our mall crawl yet but we are thinking sometime over the holidays while we are all on vacation from school and work. It will be a nice way to have fun with our extended family. With some of us away at college now and others busy with activities, it’s hard to find time to get together.

What do you think of this crazy idea? I’m sure it has been done before, but I think it is fabulous and right up my alley. Have you ever done anything like this before? Let me know in the comments below.

Have a fantastic Thursday and stay warm in this cold weather. Be fierce, Be fabulous, Be you, and remember, nice girls always finish first.


How to: Extend the life of your high heels

Hey Nice Girls! I fell one post short in my Nice Girl series, but to be honest I just couldn’t think of another nice girl topic and I just now have a free moment to sit down and put another post together.
Do you hate scuffed up toes on your shoes? Or is coloring in the scuffs on the back of your heels with a sharpie starting to drive you crazy? If you answered yes to both of these questions then keep on reading.

I would love a pair of these!
So cute!
Tips to keeping your heels looking brand new:

     1. DO NOT DRIVE IN YOUR HEELS! Okay, okay... I’m guilty of this too, but we really shouldn’t do it. While driving in your nice heels you are actually putting stress on the back of the heel. If you do this enough you could potentially break the heel off of your shoe. NOT GOOD! To avoid this, try driving in flip flops, flats or even Ugg boots now that it is cold outside. I do not suggest driving in your bare feet! During the summer I would drive in flip flops and change my shoes in the car before I walked into the office. However now that it is cold outside I have been driving in my Uggs, wearing them in the office and then changing into my heels once I am at my desk. This way my toes can stay warm a little longer. Do whatever works for you.

    2. DO NOT WEAR YOUR SHOES IN GRAVEL. I absolutely dread gravel driveways and gravel parking lots. Gravel will tear your shoes apart, making a fabulous pair of shoes ugly… SIGH. Here are a few tips: Have someone drop you off at the door so you can avoid the gravel in the parking lot. Walk on your toes slowly. By doing this you will be able to at least keep the heel of your shoes out of the gravel. If these are not options for you, again wear an alternate pair of shoes until you walk in the door and change really fast. Or maybe you know a nice person who is willing to roll out the red carpet for your arrival? Haha, just a thought.

    3. KEEP YOUR SHOES IN THE BOX. Storing your shoes will keep them much happier (do shoes have feelings… I’m not sure). By keeping them in the box you will avoid shoes rubbing together causing scratches or scuffs. If you don’t like the original box, visit your local Target and purchase a few plastic shoe box containers. I have a few of these and your shoes fit perfectly. Also the under the bed shoe storage containers will work as well. The main goal is to keep your shoes from touching a million other pairs.

I hope this blog will help you to keep your shoes looking and feeling great (there’s that feeling thing again-- I hope my shoes don’t have feelings because I’m not always the best owner, but I try hard to keep them as nice as possible). Please leave any and all of your comments below. Don’t forget about blog requests. I know I have a few and I will be getting to them soon, so please continue to be patient with me.

I must say, I am really enjoying today thus far. I only have one class this afternoon, my night class is CANCELLED and I have no homework which means I can turn being on duty into a MOVIE NIGHT! I’m thinking of watching Burlesque. It’s one of my favorites right now. I could watch it every night. What are you up to on your Thursday night? I hope you have a great Thursday. Maybe you can turn your evening into a movie night too.

Be fierce, Be fabulous, Be you and remember, nice girls always finish first.


PS: look at this cute shirt I found.  I would love to have one of these... HIGH HEELS HIGH HOPES.  I'm going to say the higher your heels the high your hopes (well your hopes are probably high that you do not fall in them-  haha)
Picture Source: Pinterest

Nice Girl: Take care of YOU

Hey Nice Girls, happy Monday.

If you are keeping up with the nice girl series you know that today is Day 6.  I’ve been talking about being a good person, taking care of others, and giving back to the community.  However, today I want talk about taking care of YOU. 

Sometimes we forget to take care of ourselves and don’t realize how much we have neglected ourselves until we are too stressed out to know what to do.  I get wrapped up in classes, my internship and sorority activities and sometimes forget to take a few minutes to myself. 

But I’m a girl who loves my “me time” so I have a few go-to ideas that I use as a special treat for myself.  Sometimes I’ll shut my front light off in my dorm room so no one will think I’m there. Then I can get some time to myself (that’s our little secret….sssshhhh).  Reading is another way to escape.  I plan to read a little bit of my book later this afternoon to give myself time to relax from a busy day of classes.  Some of my other favorites:  take a walk, get a mani/pedi, take a quick catnap or watch a favorite TV show.

A heart to remind you to show yourself some love!
Make time for yourself today and show yourself some extra love. You deserve it!  I hope you really will find time for yourself even if it is only a few minutes while you are lying in bed tonight before you fall asleep.  Just be there in the moment with your thoughts.  I bet you’ll even get a better night’s sleep.

I will talk to you tomorrow, nice girls.  Have a great rest of the day!  Be fierce, Be fabulous, Be you and remember, nice girls always finish first.


Nice Girl: My best friend

Hey everyone and happy Sunday.  I hope you were able to make the best of your weekend because tomorrow we will be back at it full force.  Today is day 5 of the nice girl series.  For those of you who prefer to read other types of posts I will post something different on Wednesday.  Today I want to talk about my best friend.  

Here are a few hints about my best friend.  Try and guess who she is.
She loves to watch the birds
She loves jewelry
Shopping is her one and only sport
Pizza Hut is her favorite
She's obsessed with QVC and can totally rock flat boots! :) 
Some people call her Dian, Dian Snyder or even Bat, but me... I call her Dsnyd... I call her mom!

This describes my mom and I perfectly! :)  
In the attempt to not make this to sappy, mom your my best friend.  I much rather come home on the weekends and spend them with you instead of wasting away at BW.  You’re the best mom any girl could ask for and I'm lucky to have you in my life.  Thank for all of the sacrifices you make to make my life so special.  I think you are the only person I have met that considers shopping a sport and it’s a good thing we are on the same team because we could definitely give each other a run for our money.  I know its Monday morning as you are reading this so I hope you have a great day and I will call you after class!  I love you more than I can say in words!

If you have a blog request please leave it in the comments below.  Otherwise, have a great week and make the most of it!  Be fierce, Be fabulous, Be you and remember, nice girls always finish first!


Nice Girl: A quote to live by

Happy Saturday Nice Girls.  Today is day 4 of the Nice Girl series.    

I stumbled across this quote on Pinterest and wanted to share it with you.  

What does this quote mean to you?  How can you implement this quote into your everyday life?  Remember the golden rule-- Always treat others the way you would like to be treated.  If you make others feel special and appreciated they will make you feel the same way in return.  Leave your comments below, I look forward to reading them.  I would love to stay and chat with you longer, but I have an accounting test to study for.  Stay tuned for tomorrow's post. Be fierce, Be fabulous, Be you, and remember, nice girls always finish first.


Nice Girl: Remember your friends

Hey Nice Girls.  

Today I would like to remind you to remember your friends this holiday season.  Do a fun secret Santa with your group of friends, go ice skating or see a fun holiday movie.  Remember the holidays are not just about spending time with your wonderful family it is also about spending time with your close friends.  

Be appreciative of everything your friends do for you and remember to always repay the favor and make them feel special.  

I hope you have a great Friday night and a fabulous weekend.  Call a friend and spend sometime with them this weekend.  Requests and comments in the space below.  Be fierce, Be fabulous, Be you, and remember, nice girls always finish first.


Nice Girl: Take Time

Hey Nice Girls.

I apologize for not getting a blog up yesterday. I will extend the nice girl series posts until Monday that way we can get all 7 in. I had a million things to get done for classes and although I would love to put my blog first my tuition money makes me think twice about blogging instead of writing a paper.

The other day I was at the mall with my mom picking up a few things for her and I found a cute little quote book. I love quote books so of course I had to have this one. The book it titled “Take Time”. On the left side of the pages there is a statement and on the right side there is a corresponding quote. So for today’s post I am going to share a few of my favorites.

Sorry this is not the best picture in the world.  It was taken on my cell phone at the office. 
Statement: Take time to reflect.
Quote: “Whatever you do in this life, take time to sit quietly and let the world tell you what it needs from you. Take a moment to honestly understand what your gifts are—you have them” –Ann Reed

Statement: Take time to be yourself
Quote: “Embrace your uniqueness. Time is much too short to be living someone else’s life” –Unknown

Statement: Take time to make a difference.
Quote: “There are many wonderful things that will never be done if you do not do them” – Charles Gill

Statement: Take time to be creative.
Quote: “Make something every day. Make a song, make a movie, make a friend, make a difference” -Pat Collelo

Statement: Take time for spontaneity.
Quote: “We get so busy making a living that we forget to live. At what point did you lose the right to do something in your day just because you feel like it at the moment—just because you’re alive?”- Dan Zadra

I hope you are enjoying the series posts. Would you like to see more of them-- Maybe an Outfit of the day series or something along those lines? Let me know what you think in the comments below. Also, if you have a blog request you know where to leave them! I hope you have a great Thursday… it’s almost FRIDAY… I cannot wait!

Do something fun for yourself today! Be fierce, Be fabulous, Be you, and remember, nice girls always finish first.


Quotes taken from: Take Time-- Compiled by: Dan Zandra with Kristel Wills.  Designed by: Sarah Forster & Jessica Phonenix Created by: Kobi Yamada- I am in no way affiliated with the makers of this book.  All opinions are my own and I purchased this book with my own money. 

Nice Girl: The Giving Jar

Hi Nice Girls,

Starting today and going through Sunday I will be doing a Nice Girl post series – sort of a Nice Girl back to basics. My Nice Girl posts are often about friends, family, giving back to the community, etc and since the holiday season is right around the corner I thought this would be a fun way to kick start the month of November. Today I want to talk about a recent idea I came up with called “The Giving Jar”.

One of my favorite parts of the holiday season is the wonderful bell ringers for the Salvation Army. I love to see them all bundled up wishing everyone a happy holiday as they try to make a difference in their community. This really gets me in the holiday spirit and reminds me of the true meaning of the season. But as a college student on a tight budget, I don’t always have extra money to give yet I feel compelled to be generous. This year I’m going to plan ahead with “The Giving Jar” so that I can be prepared with a generous donation. I am going to decorate an old mason jar, label it “The Giving Jar” and toss all my loose change and spare singles inside. Before I walk out the door to a store where I know there will be bell ringers I’ll grab my jar to donate. I think this is a great way to save some money and make giving back during the holiday season a priority.

Don't be afraid to have a give, save and live jar like these ones, but the most important one to have is the giving jar! :)

Here are a few suggestions for making your jar:

   -Find an old jar around your house, empty shoe box or other container that way you don’t have to go out and purchase one.
   - Make sure it has a lid.
   - Decorate it with your favorite ribbon, rhinestones and maybe even some glitter. Make it stands out so that it will be a reminder about giving.

Ways to fill your jar:

   - Pass by Starbucks once a week and put that money in your jar.
   - Set your jar out on your desk at work or in the lunch room and ask coworkers to donate.
   - Carpool a couple days a week to save gas money.
   - Take your lunch to work or skip takeout.
   - Skip the pizza you usually order for late night study sessions.

As soon as I have my jar made I will take a picture of it and do an updated post so you can all see the jar I have created. I think this would be a wonderful idea for you to do with your family, friends or sorority sisters. I hope this post will inspire you to make a difference during the holiday season. Please pass this idea on to others. I would love to see other people put my idea to work.

I hope you have a wonderful first day of November and try to make this month the best one yet. If you decide to make a jar please let me know. I would love to hear about your fun decorating adventure. Also leave blog requests or general comments in the comment section below.

Be fierce, Be fabulous, Be you, and remember, nice girls always finish first.
