Project Organization: My Bathroom Cabinet!

Hey There!  Welcome back to my blog!

Can you think of a space in your house that you cannot seem to keep organized?  Maybe it is under your bed, your refrigerator or maybe your like me and you cannot seem to keep the underneath of your bathroom sink organized.  

Yesterday I purchased a few stackable baskets to hopefully help organize the small space beneath my bathroom sink.  

Take a look at my messy and unorganized cabinet before I cleaned it out today. 

{Left Side Before}
{Right Side Before}

 I know, I know- VERY MESSY!

Believe it or not I actually cleaned this out before and organized it a few months ago.  However, my "organizational system" was not working well for me.  I needed to dispose of a few outdated products and donate a few things to create a more usable space.

The baskets I purchased are from 5 Below.  I think I purchased them for around 3 bucks for a pack of 3.  I picked up 2 packs of baskets.

After some elbow grease and a little bit of my time this afternoon, I now have a new organization system!

{Left Side After}
{Right Side After}

 Much better if I do say so myself!!  I feel a million times better now that this small project is done and over with.  Is there a space in your home that you cannot seem to keep clean?  I would love to hear about it in the comments below.

Blog requests are welcome.  However, please write your requests in a comment on my BLOG.  Please do not write them in a Facebook comment.  It is much easier for me to stay organized if everything is in one place.

Have a great night!  Be Fierce, Be Fabulous, Be You and remember, nice girls always finish first!


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