Ponytail Wednesday: The Sock Bun

Happy Ponytail Wednesday!

The sock bun may not be your average ponytail but I love them!  However, that doesn't mean I know how to do them!  I need to check out a tutorial ASAP.

I do know that a lot of people will sleep in a sock bun and in the morning they have soft beautiful curls.

Do any of you rock the sock bun during the week?  If you do what are your tips for making it look fabulous?  I would love some advice in the comments below.

Picture  here

I hope you have a great Wednesday!  I know that I am having a much better day today now that my paper is finally done and turned in.  However, I am still crossing things off my to do list one thing at a time.  Keep up your hard work for the next few weeks if you are getting ready for graduation or are just feeling the effects of a long semester!  Be Fierce, Be Fabulous, Be You and remember, nice girls always finish first!



Anonymous said...

please post some more blogs!

Anonymous said...

can't wait for a new post..about anything! lol would love to hear how the new life of "big girl" is! have a great day!!